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Nature RX Student Spotlight No. 2

We asked our students in Nature RX to conduct their own nature-centered interviews! This blog post will be showcasing the work of Senior WCU student Jorge Martinez.

"For this assignment I chose to interview my girlfriend, Rachel Splawn. Rachel is a WCU Senior who is getting a degree in Psychology and a minor in Sociology. She grew up in North Wilkesboro, NC where she graduated in the top of her class. She has spent a lot of time in the mountains with her family and still lives in the North Carolina mountains to this day. Rachel enjoys hiking, spending time with her dog, traveling, and listening to music. She plans to become a clinical psychologist in the future. I decided to interview Rachel because she has experienced a lot of time in the outdoors due to her being in the mountains most of her life. I believe that she has a great story to tell about how nature has influenced her life in the mountains of NC."

A Psychology Student's Perspective on Nature    

Interview by Jorge Martinez

Based on your psychology research how do you think nature can affect you mentally?

I think that nature in general and just being outside brings the mind more peace than being stuck inside. It can bring levels of anxiety and depression down because of the change in environment, fresh air, and sunlight.

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Has nature impacted your life in a significant way?

Yes! I transferred schools from UNC Chapel Hill so I could be in the mountains again. The mountains feel like home to me, so I didn’t feel exactly at home while I was a UNC. Being outside and being in nature is something that I have always loved, so it felt like a piece of me didn’t come to UNC with me.

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How do you think nature impacted you as a child compared to now?

As a child I was outside a lot, but I didn’t really appreciate what nature actually is and the beauty of nature. Now I’ve grown to appreciate nature more because I have noticed a huge change in my mood when I’m having a bad day and make the decision to spend time outside especially with my dogs.

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Do you think Covid-19 has affected your time in nature in a good way or a bad way?

Covid-19 has made me spend more time in nature because when visiting people and hanging out with friends we feel safer being outside rather than inside for example my grandparents live at the lake and normally when I would go visit them we would go sit inside and talk but for the past year we have been going outside and sitting by the water and normally when hanging out with friends we would go to someone’s apartment to hangout but now we are taking extra steps to sit outside or go to the intramural fields with the dogs.

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What is your favorite activity to do in nature and what is your favorite location?

My favorite activity in nature is to hike and have picnics outside. My favorite place to go is Doughton Park in the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Outer Banks. Not many people know about Doughton Park, so it’s not usually crowded, and it has been a long-time favorite of my family. Again, the Outer Banks are a lot less crowded than other beaches which allows me to actually enjoy the beach rather than constantly having various distractions.

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Our author: Jorge Martinez is a Senior at WCU, studying Business Administration & Law with a minor in Criminal Justice. Jorge hopes to eventually become a lawyer in the future. He is from North Wilkesboro, NC where they say that the mountains begin. A few of his hobbies include hiking, playing soccer, and spending time with his dog.

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